Picture of The Day: Dream

Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life. – Pablo Picasso


Last night I was prompted to start posting my “Picture of The Day” again on my blog. At 1 AM in the morning, I was still wide awake. This is definitely not good when you are up at 5:30 AM to start your day! In an attempt to do something to calm my brain that was running a mile a minute I decided to look at some art online. As I clicked through artwork, I noticed my thoughts began to quiet, and I was growing increasingly relaxed. Before I knew it, I was down for the count.

It is interesting how art affects your brain! University College London did a study that proved; viewing art for an hour will change your emotions. The simple act of seeing art will enhance your critical thinking skills, give you a higher sense of empathy, and spark creativity. Art releases dopamine into the part of the brain that registers love. Love is a calm feeling!

As writers, the switch in our brain is more often in the on position than in the off. I have discovered that we need to disconnect and reboot. This is something that I don’t do very often. From the time my feet hit the floor in the morning, I am off to the races. I have so much to do and determined to get it done. I am going to try to disconnect more, and I urge all of my followers to do the same. Hell, if we don’t stop to smell the roses, at least we can press pause and view some art! I hope you enjoy the picture of the day!


By Geralt   https://pixabay.com/id/kupu-kupu-bokeh-magic-mimpi-407746/

The Delusion of Love.

He descended from the  Arabian horse with pride and regality. Although, he stood among many who gathered to win the hand of the queen he stood alone. For her maidens whispered and blushed at the very sight of him. The rainbow of great knights brought a smile to her eyes as she stared out of the throne room window. They waited in anticipation to cross the bridge and enter her castle. They would drink and be merry before presenting themselves before the beautiful queen.

The moment finally came, the noble knight bowed down at the feet of the Queen and presented her with a single white rose. “This rose is magical and is a representation of my promise of love and adoration until we leave this world and ascend into the heavens. I vow to love you even  then.”  Words so sweet, she thought his lips dripped with honey.The queen’s trusted advisor permitted the knight to come forward. He took the queen’s hand kissed her palm and placed the rose within it.

Many came after him presenting gifts and declaring unending love. None touched the heart of the queen as the Irish knight. Dressed in all black made from the finest fabric money could buy. His skin as smooth as milk, set on fire by the bright redness of his full beard and hair. He warmed her heart and butterflies waltzed within. She was drunk with an infatuation for the knight.

The sun set many days welcoming the rising moon, yet the magical rose remained as new. He haunted her day and night! Finally, the time came, she made her decision, and the Irish knight would take the throne beside her. Her decision was against the advice of her trusted advisor, but the queen thought she must follow her heart.

Everyone in the kingdom was invited to celebrate the queen’s wedding; from the lowest of peasants to the noblest. She was a picture of beauty. The white lace gown traced her full curves; her copper skin peeked through the lace dress and veil. Onlookers stirred with excitement at her breathtaking beauty as she gracefully sauntered down the aisle to meet her future king. In her hand she carried the unaged single white rose he presented with the night he met her.

Happier than she had ever been, the queen would never forget the day she married the newly crowned king. Although, the queen’s advisor informed the queen that her days of happiness would not last until her end of time. Spiritual advisors advised the queen that her eyes were deceptive; she would bring great pain to herself, the reigning king and people of the land. Her heart was not the source of her decision. The spiritual advisors were beheaded! How dare anyone question the actions of her majesty!

Days evolved into weeks, months and then years. The queen again was sole ruler over the kingdom without the consult of the king; he was a mere footstool of the queen. She despised the man she’d come to know. The king loved the Queen even more than he did when he first met her acquaintance but his love was unrequited. Their marital bed was no longer; the once magical rose had long met its demise. The queen often wished she has never met her king. Regretful she never took the advice of her late advisor. Misery, dissolved his heart sending him to an early grave.

Happiness and love are feelings! Our eyes will deceive us when they are used to depict our emotions.

The thorn in my side

A beautiful poem by “Two Drops of Ink” editor. Check out all of the beautiful poetry by William Power.

Memoir, Fairy Tales, and Cathartic Experiences

If you are thinking about writing your memoir, read this article by Marilyn Davis on “Two Drops of Ink”.

My Experience as a Step Mother.

“You’re not my mother! You can’t tell me what to do! These are the words he uttered as he stomped into his room, slamming the door hard enough to feel the vibration through the house.”

Thirty- eight years old and a step- parent with no children of my own. I can honestly say being a step- parent is not a walk in the park. Dating or marrying a man with a child is a new and life altering experience for me. This relationship is different as well!

Turn and run in the opposite direction as fast as you can! My mind told me in the past when meeting a man with a child or children. Followed by Do Not Answer (DNA) added to the name on the cell phone caller i.d. Excuses like… “I’m extremely busy, I don’t have time to date”. All to avoid the inconvenience and drama associated with getting involved with a man who has a child. Like I said before, this relationship is different!

An unexpected first time meeting.

When I met my fiancé’s son it was not under the best circumstances. No one was available to care for him while the mother was in the hospital.  That left me as the only one available due to the fact that I work from home. His stay would be overnight for a couple of days, I reluctantly agreed to do so. My fiancé had to work nights during that time, so I felt it was my duty to assist my future husband.

It was not as awkward as I thought it would be, He was well mannered and quiet. Entertaining himself with his PlayStation, surfing the internet, and talking to his friends on the cell phone. Although, there was a red flag that presented itself. He used profane language when talking on the phone with his friends. His ringtone contained a rap lyric with profane language as well. Most importantly, the disrespectful manner in which he spoke to his mother when having a conversation with her. These were the issues I felt I had to bring to my fiancé’s attention. I knew there was an underlying issue even with though he remained respectful to me, his father and my mother.

A child with no respect for authority.

The second visit is when the lack of authority was revealed. For as long as Jim and I have been together, he often confided in me about his sons constant acting out. He constantly had trouble with authority figures in school and his mother. Is it due to our relationship? Jim reassured me that it was not due to our relationship. His behavior changed once he moved out of the home they shared as a family. This is understandable, but I continued to find his behavior disturbing. I know that children act out at times, to get attention, puberty or when they are mentally stressed. I still felt there was more to it!

Troubled child or a child with no parental guidance.

The morning Jim was set to pick up his son for the weekend, we agreed on some house rules. First, he was to change the ring tone to something more age appropriate. Second, he was not to use profane language. Last but not least, he must be respectful to adults. Jim stated he would go over the rules with him on the way home. I was extremely happy that we saw eye to eye on the rules put in place. I felt this may help to add structure to his life.


He entered the house with a snarl and a roll of the eyes. He walked back to what was the spare bedroom and shut the door. Disrespectful behavior! I was taught, when you enter a room you greet those who are present. Jim stated, he had a rough week at school and fought with his mother before leaving home. Regardless of what went on his actions were not acceptable. As a result, we decided to ban access to the game console and internet which seemed to us to be a good idea. We enforced this punishment as a united front and informed our upset child that this would carry out through the weekend.

Children will often test the limits put in place.

The next day, Jim and I went to the grocery store to get dinner. We left my stepson in the care of my sister with strict instructions banning the use of his PlayStation. Well, we returned to find him defying our rules. He ignored my sisters’ reminder that he was on restriction. She said… He acted as if I was not even talking to him.” A total disrespect for authority! This definitely bothered me! When confronted and told to turn off the console he threw down the controller and stormed off!


Who’s at fault? The child or the parents?

Times have changed drastically. Many moons ago, we were taught to respect our elders. Say yes or no ma’am/ sir. Please and thank you were a must. Always be on your best behavior because what you do is a direct reflection on your parents. The parents of back then had no intentions of being our “BFF”, they were more concerned with being parents. Some of us were blessed enough to have mothers and fathers who continued to be responsible, loving and caring parents even after failed marriages or relationships.

I feel as a parent it is our responsibility to try regardless of the circumstances thrown our way. Whether we are a parent or a stepparent, we owe it to our children to give them our love and attention and to try our very best to steer them in the right direction. It’s not our fault if later in life they choose to go in the opposite direction. It is our fault if we don’t try.

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